PicoPonics Plant Habitat Automation
PicoPonics is open source Rust library for using the Raspberry Pi Pico to create automated plant habitats and care routines. Everything including outdoor gardening, hydroponics, and simple single-plant-care automation, will be possible.
To see progress, check out my learning in public posts, and check out the Github Repo.
Under Construction!
PicoPonics is still in the POC stage, but the project does currently work as a prototype, and a functional example for many of the blog posts I have covering Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi Pico.
create a quick scheduling utility for handling lights, pumps, etc.
create humidity, temperature, and other environmental sensor measurements, as well as feedback logic & control system based on inputs.
provide open source projects to help the Raspberry Pi Pico Community grow, as well as help them grow their plants.
create inexpensive and small plant habitat automation controllers
Questions & F.A.Q.
A PicoPonics FAQ will be coming soon. But for now, forward questions as issues on GitHub, my socials listed in the bottom toolbar, or directly via e-mail.